Monday, April 1, 2024

What humans call a fool, Christ Calls His Wise Beloved Bride.

 The time, days of Moses, WHEN He His Presence WITH them Brought them up out of the sea?  WHERE IS He His Presence NOW to Save Flock?  The Presence in Christ, NOW IN His Body of Reborn, The Mind, very Thoughts of God His Presence Saving unto Deliverance those CONTINUING AS ONE into Home of Spirit, God and Truth.

To TURN BACK to human self, OWN thoughts, to remain dead lost in time, left as Godless dust of TIME.  We ARE His Body BY Faith, We are not swallowed up by mire, waves, winds of darkness, NO Head Keeps His Body ABOVE not below overcome by unrighteous waters, waves of darkness.  God the EVERLASTING, PERPETUAL Light of Brightness, OUR end of mourning.

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