Monday, April 29, 2024

ACTS 8. Spirit, the Angel of His Presence, Holy Ghost? Speaking NEW Truth, Law against Written religion.

You Shall See GREATER Things than THIS.  Behold, Angels COME From, and GOING TO Heaven.

Stephen was heard Speaking a Christ THAT WAS NOT THEIR Religion of  self-righteousness. His ACCUSERS drug him BEFORE THE council of the OLD Law, the Written preferred by hypocrites that Know NOT OF the LIVINH Spirit, Gift of Holy Life FROM God.  Stephen accused of NEVER STOPPING his Spirit agaisnt THEIR spirit, written law without the Spirit, Powerless to DO ALL God Requires of flesh and blood to ASCEND, ENTER INTO His House of His Presence.

The Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Life in Union with God.  The Spirit GIVEN, FOUND IN His MATURE REBORN Children.  THE Spirit of Obedience, Life IS OURS by Union with the Truth.  The Power of Faith, Truth, Life, VERY Breath of God, Raises the Believer to Stand IN Christ.  WHAT the Children of God ARE NOW, the flesh cannot see, believe, deny.  Christ is a Life Poured into Chosen Vessels of vessel Held in His Hand.

The New Truth, Spirit HAS COME DOWN, A Life IN His Body of FAITH.  AS Stephen Spoke, Testified, his face, flesh BECAME RADIANT?  LIKE an Angel's.

The Spirit of Christ, the NEW Life, Law of the LIVING can't STOP Speaking the Good News OF Life.

Do you NOT Understand WHAT God His Son HAS DONE IN Obedience FOR us His Body of Faith to WALK IN Spirit of Freedom?  SURRENDER NOW, BEFORE THE door of TIME is closed, nonexistent.

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