Monday, April 29, 2024

Our Life, Christ's Life of Spirit, God, HOLY Life Honoring God His Power, His Love.

 The Spirit, Life, NOW ours by Faith, the Reborn of Body, into Body, Serve in flesh their Father, THEIR God.  IN flesh AND AFTER in Holy Flesh We Serve by, IN His Spirit, the Door of His House, Presence OPEN UNTO Us the Tested IN TIME and FOUND Obedient by Spirit, our NEW Life before Eyes of God.  WHERE there IS disobedience, unbelief in Christ the Living Testimony of Obedience by the Power, Presence of Spirit within.  THERE is a spirit of unbelief, doubts, that hinder the children of flesh from Believing.  Greater is DOUBT of unbelief in them THAN their soul LOST ALONE in time separated from God Eternal.

ONE Step of Faith AFTER ANOTHER Step, Thought of God, we Rise, fall not to the bottom of the pit.

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