Friday, April 26, 2024

THIS IS WHAT God Does. Tongues of Wind and Fire. Lord You Know Your OWN Thoughts.

 You Reveal, ENABLE TO Speak by Spirit Your Thoughts.  As Spirit ENABLES, SO shall we Speak.  EVERYTHING IN ACCORDANCE WITH You, Your Plan.  Raise Your Children AS Planned, Call by Your Spirit Your Children TO You.  It is not of our human mind, thoughs, spirit that We Walk the Path of OBEDIENCE.  Glory GOES TO Christ His Spirit, Spiritual Man within We His Body.  Christ His Spiit of OBEDIENCE NOW ours by Faith.  Spirit the Power, Spirit, THAT TURNS US BACK FROM disobedience UNTO Life.  IN TIMES OF CHAOS, DARKNESS, DEATH, He IS AND EVER IS WITH IN His Body Helping.  Jesus the Bridegroom Chosen for the Body Gentile and Jew. TWO BECOME ONE. The Spirit that Rules His SPIRITUAL Nation.

The dead CHOSEN FOR Life in the Body, OF Saints in the ARMOR OF God, Marching without falling out of Line.  The Reality IS there has been just ONE Long Night of darkness, darkness that only exists as a dream of darkness.  The Body of Faith IS WAITING, lamps of Flame, Fanned into Brithtness, THE LAST with the First and the First with the Last.  The bad dream GONE Good. 

Listen CAREFULLY, Believe ALL He Says. Those Believing DO ALL He Tells them His to Do.  ANYONE, ALL WHO DO NOT Obey Him WILL BE Separated from Him by their disobedience.

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