Friday, April 26, 2024

Warning. God TESTS us, we do not test God.

 Judged by God for?  Pretense of obeying God.  ACTS 5. LIARS.  Believers that LET, ALLOW Satan to TAKE CONTROL AND MAKE them lie.  Instruments of deceit. Their lie is not to flesh and blood, but Spirit.  Keep not back from God THAT WHICH Rightfully IS His.  The result IS DEATH.

The enemies of Freedom meet together, conspire, angry of those Speaking Freedom, NOT the power of flesh.  Lord Forgive us, BUT NOW we Know Yours IS the Power, Yours the Kingdom to COME DOWN, Resting on Foundation of Christ, Living Foundation, Church of His Presence.

Awaken those asleep in darkness with darkness. Shout the Good NEWS, Pull down the old, Raise the NEW.  Our Father, our Lord, our Liberty, Happiness.  We Live for You Your Presence, a NEW World OF Love.   BOW DOWN AND kiss His Feet WITH Lips of Truth.

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