Monday, April 29, 2024

1John 2:26, I am Writing Warning you ABOUT those trying to deceive FOR the rewards of flesh.

 IF by your Faith, Christ HAS Poured His Spirit, of Obedience INTO you, AS long AS Remains I N you God's Chosen Body, YOU DO NOT NEED ANYONE TO teach you.  The Spirit Teaches you EVERYTHING True nothing false. SO OBEY the Spirit by Faith REMAIN IN UNION with Spirit.

You need not flesh and blood to teach you.  You NEED the Spirit Teacher of the LIVING Reborn of His  Body. Divine Spirit of Life Teaches Truth no falsehood.  OBEY Spirit, and Remain by Obedience IN UNION with Christ.  Understand THIS, all who do WHAT IS Right, Obeying Spirit, IS God's Child IN Christ.  ALL who OBEY are IN Christ His Body.  ALL Children of Spirit and Truth OBEY God our Father.

Leave the children of the devil unto their doctrines of human spirit of deceit.  That which IS darkness belongs to darkness, FEARS Truth, Light, Presence of God. God Spoke UNTO Abraham, Led Him out of Sodom and Gomorrah to BE, Live alone with God's Presence.  STOP clinging to the dust and Breath the Life. Christ our Example of God's Power, Obedience, Right Heart, Right Mind, Right Spirit.  The Spirit IN Christ, the Spirit in We His Body BY Faith.  God IS Revealing TO His Body a Life Lived with, in Reality.  EVERLASTING Substance of Eternal Life.  BY Faith WE BECOME the OBEDIENT Reborn SOULS Prepared by Spirit of Obedience, TO Receive the Spiritual Garment, Flesh of Life without death.

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