Saturday, April 27, 2024

God's LIVING Sword, His Truth. AS God Judges SO His Sword Judges THE human spirit.

 Christ CAME DOWN INTO flesh to Stand, Fight, CUT OFF THE head, mind of darkness FROM its flesh.  The same flesh that beheaded the GIANT of darkness.  NOW BY Spirit, the Sword REMOVES the head of fallen flesh of disobedience.  Christ IN His Body of BELIEVERS, IS Alive, ACTIVE. Spirit the Mind of RIGHT Thoughts, NOW God IN Christ OUR Head.  We ARE Rising passint throuth times of darkness, Ascending BY Spirit AS ONE, the steps of time ENTERING the Kingdom of Holiness UNHINDERED BY darkness of time.  The Feet still upon the world, Obedient to Head.  Tell the Good News while still if flesh that falls as we Rise.  The flesh cannot exist without AIR IN TIME.  The AIR the winds of darkness fan disobedience unto consumption of its flesh. The Fire in us Swallows the fire of hell into nonexistence in His Holy ETERNAL Flesh.  Where Light of Brightness EXISTS, the darkness shall not BE found.  Darkness ceases to exist WITH TIME.  Time temporary, Swallowed by THE Greater Eternal.   There is no darkness within you that God does not Recognize, Know.  Come Clean but NEVER unclean, dirty house of unbelief.  NO place for the darkness to rest his head, mind, presence on IN Kingdom of Brightness OF Day.

This world, temporary life, is but a dream of darkness GONE by EVERLASTNG Day.  The darkness in me confused me, kept me from Understanding unto Knowing BY Faith, Reality, the Life of CONSTANT Consciousness IN UNION OF Faith WITH Christ.  Truth IS, I Confess I listened to my flesh, followed thoughts of flesh that lead, END in death separation from Life by unbelief, doubt. BUT God, GOD Knew me BEFORE I Knew Him.  Love and His Truth of Love TOOK me Captive to Love. NOW I BELONG TO the Bridegroom of Life EVERLASTING.  Taste the Truth BY Faith, and See for yourself, HOW Good it is to BE Loved by God.  He Thinks about You, You THINK ABOUT Him.

Do not allow fear to hinder your Coming Awake in the Presence of Realty, He Reality IN His Body

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