Monday, April 29, 2024

SHEBA'S rebellion against David's kingdom? 2 SMUEL 20: 22. SOULUTION?

 Joab SENT with army from David.  Joab SENT to the REBELS. ONE woman of wisdom thought WHY SHOULD ALL DIE because of this rebellion OF ONE man?  The solution to cut off the head of one man's flesh and CAST OUT OVER his head to Joab TO TAKE BACK TO his king.  Taking the head the king's forces WITHDREW BY THE sound of a Trumpet blown

With the Sound of Trumpet, the Body of Peace shall Rise United TO Head.  Christ CANE DOWN IN Spirit THEN IS His Body Raised Behind Him.  From TIME. Remember.  Christ came down Spirit, put on flesh of TIME.  The SAME Way COME DOWN, His Body SHALL RISE from time GONE UP gone from TIME.

Christ died for the disobedience of HIs Body TO GOD, We ARE the Body void of disobedience by the Power of God, Spirit OF Obedience, Christ IN US our Salvation from time by Reality.

Father GIVE UNDERSTANDING TO Your LOST Children IN TIME OF darkness.  Gather by Truth that BRINGS Home.  God Saves ALL those who STAY, IN, ONBOARD Christ.  Not the minds filled with darkness, Given over TO UNCLEAN thoughts OF THEIR thoughts flesh. We ARE the Body of Christ, His Thoughts OUR Thoughts, Pleasing God.

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