Monday, April 29, 2024

My Conscience cannot lie. God IS my Reality, my Spirit RULING me. Romans9.

 I BELONG to Christ, Truth, TO Serve Him.  The Holy Spirit RULES FROM within my flesh.  Spirit CONFORMS Flesh to the Spirit of Obedience.  HOW CAN I lie, hide from others WHAT GOD HAS DONE, IS Doing TO me, BECAUSE He IS God.

Who belongs to God? His Children LOST IN TIME.  God Reveals TO His Children Reality, the Obedience THEIR TRUE WORSHIP OF God.  The Body Worships IN Union with Head.  HERE OR THERE WITH Head, We offer or Worship-of=Obedience BY Faith..

To live in time WHAT God HAS DONE, TO make His Power Known TO me. Based on the Call to those Called to Obedience.  The disobedient Chosen by God FOR Obedience IN Christ. UNWORTHY, YET Let US NOW BE FOUND Worthy OF Gods' Love, Spirit.  Let NONE CALLED unto Obedience SHRINK BACK TO disobedience, BY resisting, denying, ignoring the Voice of Love.  IF you Hear Him NOW?  Come QUICKLY to See, Taste, WHAT God HAS DONE.

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