UNESS I Walk IN OBEDIENCE, UNITED WITH Faith and Truth, Christ, I am nothing but a hypocrite, pretender to the throne, not the Child of God, NOT His Body. A child of religion of WRITTEN words for fallen flesh, NOT the Soul Gathered in Body of Truth, Chosen to INHERIT with Body the Kingdom, Mind in Christ NOW OUR Head, Lord, Master Thought.
Why Send out Messages that children of flesh and blood of AIR, spirit, reject, refuse to Receive? The Body Serves the Head and Father the Mind, Thoughts of Life, for Father, God ALONE Kno ws those Chosen to Receive, Believe by Faith IN them. Our Work is to Shine. Glorifying God His Power, Truth of Reality and God Awakens whomsoever is Appointed to NOW Wake UP. Father Gives His Reborn His Substance, Truth the Food His Body Rises and STANDS by. The NEW must BECOME MATURE.
UNLESS an unbeliever, son of perdition, deceit and darkness, Christ DIED FOR you, US TO Life AS Believers REBORN OF His Body IN TIME. We ARE the Body Serving God in the TIME Given to us, and THIS Body Shall at END OF TIME, Enter the Door of Reality OPENED TO His Body.
The unbelievers ARE LOST, the Believers ARE Saved. Christ the Head and His Body ENTER AS ONE. GOD, Reality. THIS TEMPORARY world of flesh and blood, TIME shall DISSOLVE AFTER THE Door and Light are TURNED OFF? BECAUSE ALL His Children, Rooms in Christ His House, ARE Home. Sleeping with Father, but Rising the NEW Morning, Walking in, with PERPETUAL God, Day where there is NO darkness, JUST Light of Brightness. Gone the old BY the NEW. BE Christ or be GONE.
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