Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Spirit, Angels of Enlightenment, Come OPEN the Doors of the Mind of God.

 The Dormant Seed of Christ, Truth, QUICKENED BY the Coming Rain, Living Waters upon, into the heart Chosen by God to BE Circumcised, By Sword, Tongue Mouth of God.  Rain QUICKENS the Seed buried in the flesh of darkness IN TIME of NIGHT.  The Seed of Life Rooted into, soul, Roots soul INTO the Realm of Reality, Light of Day.

The Servants of Light came in the night, and opened the prison doors of jealousy that hinders, keep separated FROM Love, Freedom.  The New SPIRUTAL Zion Shall COME DOWN, Removing the old foundation of human doctrines, mistranslations of deceit, darkness hidden in flesh.  The Bread and Living Waters that Feed REBORN souls the Truth they DIE for TO Live.

The LIGHT ON IN His Restored house TO Light. Removal of the darkness that keeps the dead unto nonexistence with TIME.  The water baptism, outer, is evidence for flesh to see, the INWARD Bath to BE Held in Father's Arms.  A bath is just a bath without INNER Cleansing with Soap AND Water.

Jesus Knew WHAT was in man hidden from flesh and blood.  Give EVERYTING you possess TO Him that MAKES ALL things New Things, Restored by the Presence, Power of God.

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