Thursday, April 25, 2024

Spirit in Galatians 4, Explains the SPIRITUAL Reality, the spirits, that war for your souls.

You WERE SO HAPPY AT the Good News, UNTIL realizing, that NOW you disobedient MUST BECOME Obedient Children of God, Spirit.  The Good Spirit, obey His Word.

GATATIONS 4.  The human spirits, in children of flesh, teachers, do not EMBRACE Obedience, the end of their rule, power over the REBORN Children of Spirit.  SO? The children of a different spirit, father of flesh,  ARE SLAVES of disobedience, sons of perdition, UNBELIEVERS.  The sons of perdition seek to keep captive their audience, from TURNING TO God His Presence, Christ His Shepherd His Spirit Speaks AND Gathers His LOST Sheep TO Father, Spirit.

The friends of disobedience ARE enemies of Obedience.  You can not serve 2 masters at the SAME time.  Do not Fall BACK INTO DISOBEDIENCE, Stand on Foundation of Christ, Truth, Reality.

To believe and Walk in the Spirit of Christ, by Faith, a REBORN child of Peace, OR TURN BACK TO disobeying God because He IS NOT your Father, you NOT His Son IN Christ.

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