The chains, other thoughts, not God's, that separate from Truth. The kingdom of the disobedient son of perdition that hates, envies the Brother OF Light. Satan's fool drug behind his master wherever the spirit of flesh desires to go. WAKE UP. The human spirit is not God's Spirit, Presence. HUMAN thoughts are not God's Spirit His Thoughts.
The land, place of NOD, OUTSIDE the Kingdom of God His Presence, where the human self BUILDS a kingdom, government of self FOR him his self flesh and blood.
To depart Light as darkness, NOW Return as Light BY Faith. Entering the Place, Position of Union with God. ALL ends well that Surrenders IN Confession TO Truth, that fall upon His Feet in Adoration of His Power, His Love, Forgiveness for the dead soul Kissing the Feet of Christ, Messenger of His Father.
We ARE the Body JOINED TOGETHER AS ONE BY Father THE Truth Body and Head OBEY AS ONE. Let the Presence of Christ, His Spirit, Father, Teacher, ALL Truth be Welcomed into you His House the Residence of Life. The Truth, Spirit and LIVING Word of God within the REBORN Believer by Presence, Substance of Faith, Will of God alone, Rise up and Live, Walk, Think the VERY Steps of Christ. God our Father, The Mind IN Christ our Head, ALWAYS CONTAINED the fullness of Truth, Reality in Him. We His Body OF ONE MIND, Truth, Rise AFTER OUR Christ Head.
The Children within the Resurrected Body, Think the SAME Thoughts, Love ONE Father, NOT flesh and contaminated by spirit thoughts of death, BEAR only the Seed of the Mind of God.
TIME IS BUT A dream time of darkness. Gone in the Presence, Power of Light.
Can you See, Hear Him I Hear, then let us Rising OBEY Him The body part that does not OBEY Him, will be cut off in time, left behind. FOUND to BE a Servant OF Goodness, not evil disobedience.
Christ: it IS NOT Me, BUT Father, God IN Me, My Obedience by His Power, Presence. WHY will you die as fallen flesh slave of disobedience, JUST BELIEVE and BY Faith you Will Live IN OBEDIENCE TO God.
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