Thursday, April 25, 2024

God says that listening to own thoughts, I am deaf. ALL He Hears are my chains of flesh.

 It IS Good to be Disciplined by Father who Hears, Sees According to Reality, His Self.   I thought of God, a temporary thought, then turned back in the path of self, farther LOST without Remembering Him.  I did not Know Him, I READ the Written Invitation, but UNTIL Rain Quickened the Dormant Seed, I COULD NOT Find Him PRESENT IN the heart of my flesh and blood.  Greater the Rain and Seed, the Presence of Light Shining, RESTORATION TO Consciousness of Him.  I cannot stop Listening to Him Spirit even if human spirit insisted. The Power of LIGHT.  The Gift of Seed and Coming of Rain Seasons. The Glory of God alone IS God.  What Good the Seed without Rain and Brightness?  The Body Walks AS ONE Bride Leaning upon the Shoulder of Christ.  And asleep IN TIME, He Head Rests on His Body.   ALL She Hears IS Him.  The Tree of Life, bears the Fruit, Thoughts of God.   The Garden of Love.

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