To Live on Top of Mountain AMONG His Clouds. Sorry I LOVE it here, don't ever desire to come in flesh gone with darkness TO war.
Israel, before, EXCHANGED Christ, Truth, VERY Thoughts of Spirit of God, FOR Saul a man of flesh JUST LIKE them flesh. The government, flesh ruled by flesh. O Americans WAKE UP. Give you self to BE Ruled, a slave of Obedience, Obedience Removes disobedience and Saves the kingdoms that surrender. The ANTI-christ THAT GOVERNS ALL flesh void of Spirit, Darkness is flesh shall take your children of flesh GIVING them to be slaughtered ON THE ALTAR OF WAR. God wants the minds, hearts, actions TO Give their SOULS TO Him. WHATEVER is Given TO Him, He Gives, Returns BETTER then before.
The dead surrendered to Faith, Obedience, COME BACK TO Life. Lord the greater the darkness of TIME, the Time WHEN Presence of Brightness IS Seen. Shine in, and across our fallen America, Lift her from her knees before darkness, Come Lord Come and TAKE, Lead, Bring Her HOME TO You.
Awake? The night time, darkness ALWAYS is coming for the children of TIME to swallow them, DIGET them into darkness while there remains TIME. Ask Mary and Joseph, Ask the mother of Moses. NOTHING CAN STOP the darkness, Close the mouth of darkness BUT Hearing and DOING WHAT He Tells YOU. The God, this Father, allowed disobedience, darkness, death, swallow the Son Light ot Brightness in the NIGHT OF darkness and darkness VOMITED OUT OF pit of hell, the Son of Brightness, BOTH Head and Body, ONE, BACK TO Father, Life. Living Truth, Faith, Love, SHAKE His Body, WAKE, Help and Stand us UP. Let us IN Christ Stand in the way of darkness, and SHOUT the Good NEWS OF Freedom. Come out, Come out, little Children wherever you ARE. The Light IS SHINING. NOW, Shout as ONE, Brining the walls of the kingdom of darkness DOWN upon their OWN heads, minds.
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