Monday, April 29, 2024

The Presence of God my HOLY Obsession.

 I Pray that THIS Love, THIS God, ENTER AND Have His Dominion over EVERY soul that IS His.  We His Body ARE His Love slaves.  The soul is the slave of the flesh, human spirit OR Slave, Body of Divine Spirit.  You can not serve TWO masters in, AT, the SAME Time.  His Beleiver IS Freed from sin of disobedience, UNTO Obedient by Faith in Word of God POWER.S

ONCE in TIME, I surrendered to disobedience, NOW Reality HAS Come, I SURRENDER the soul its mind, its heart, and my flesh UNTO Truth.  A Reborn Servant to the Holy Purpose OF God.

The only hindrance is doubt of unbelief in the Declared Truth, that whosoever Believes IS Freed INDEED.  The WHOLE Reborn soul DEDICATED TO Spirit and Truth, RESULTS IN Eternal Life, after death of flesh IN TIME, Faithful to God of Truth UNTO END of old flesh and blood.  The soul within Body HAS Spiritual Wings.  I Believe Him.  My ONE Desire is to Love Him with ALL my soul, mind and heart.  Christ the Gift that Keeps on Giving.  Eternal Life IN Union with Christ our Lord.   The WRITTEN law rules ONLY while people live, Where there is no Spirit Law they do not Live AFTER death.  TWICE dead.  BOTH soul and flesh.  We CRUCIFIED WITH Christ ARE DEAD TO the written law for dead BLIND souls, Christ's Body is Ruled by Spirit, God Living Law.

God THROUGH Christ HAS Saved me from death of soul BY UNBELIEF.  Warning, to be controlled by HUMAN nature, disobedience OF flesh, to do what flesh wants is to die.  Live according TO Spirit, Divine Natuer, Reflecting God, and do not die with the dead in disobedience.

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