Friday, April 26, 2024

Be MODEST, HUMBLE OF Spirit, the Judge, the Examiner of ALL SOULS.

 God HAS MADE ALL flesh and blood prisoners of the spirit AIR they breath, live by.  You disobeyed IN THE PAST time, but NOW you Know, NOW you Believe, HAVE Received Mercy Life from the disobedient dead souls in flesh.  NOW the Body of Christ.  Raised UP WITH Christ in Union with Head. God the Spirit in Body, God the Mind of RIGHT Thoughts IN OUR Head.

God HAS MADE ALL prisoners of disobedience in flesh. so that He Shows Mercy unto Believers.  Who HAS Known God, Truth, Power OF Love. Give the Living soul TO God, Life in you.  Spirit the Power to Please God, both by Thought AND ACTION.  We ARE THE Body of Head, the Sacrifice of self unto God His Self, Presence.

Conforming to Truth, Spirit within, CONFORMS us, COMPLETELY Changes us from disobedient TO Obedient Body of Christ.

BE PATIEN IN ALL your troubles in darkness of womb, your flesh AND FULLY Conformed into the Spirit of Christ, COME FORTH From darkness INTO the Brightness of God to Live OUTSIDE the womb of darkness, evil imagination, disobedience.  Glorify, Honor the Presence of Spirit, BOW perpetually to His Presence.  He IS God, Father of Body, Bride, the Power that UNITES us TO Head. Nothing of this world of darkness CAN separate us from God, only a darkness in us hidden from us that KEEPS OUR flesh from the NOW IN OBEDIENCE TO Voice, Presence of God, Who Called us out of darkness INTO the Marvelous Presence of Life.  The Body and Head SENT DOWN, ENTER ONE INTO the Kingdom of the Perfected by God His Presence, Spirit.

BE the Light, Substance, Shining from within you His Lamps of Light.  Shine.  Save ONLY Head and Body CAN, DO.  Oh, Esther, BORN TO BE QUEEN, Bride of King, BE NOT AFRAID, your God IS WITH you, TO Save you and His others.  The TEST OF TIME, to Shine or not to Shine.  BE BRAVE. Your King LOVES you.  The enemy destroyed him self, spirit, with very first deception.  TIME IS BUT a thing of human imagination, outside the Eternal Reality, God.

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