Monday, April 29, 2024

Spending our TIME THERE, Getting Ready, Prepared TO GO.

 God does not circumcise the children of flesh and blood.  Father Circumcises the Hearts, souls in the Body  of Christ.  The children of flesh and blood following a written law they themselves could not obey Perfectly, BECAME ANGERY, GRABBED Paul ACCUSED of Teaching, Speaking a different religion than the WRITTEN.  The children of religion love their own thoughts of unbelief.  They HATE that which is Strange to flesh and blood.  God, PERFECTION, beyond flesh and blood.  By instinct of darkness they resist, rage against the Truth THAT IS NOT their truth, thoughts, doctrine of fallen flesh

Do not BE, live deceived, ROBBED IN time by darkness of the Riches, Thoughts of Power, that Restore THE DEAD, LOST IN TIME BACK TO Realiy, Perpetual Life.

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