Friday, April 26, 2024

Christ COME DOWN TO Raise His Body UP from dead TO Alive.

OUR Faith in Christ the LIVING Truth, Saves us.  Releases us from the grave. DEAD to the world but Alive unto God His Presence in the Body of Christ.  We depend on Spirit our Faith IN Christ.  Christ the Life PLEASING God does not flesh and blood.  Whoever OBEYS the Law of God, Truth, Christ, WILL Live not die with the disobedient.  Christ is no PARTIAL OBEDIENCE, BUT FULL COMPLETE Obedience to God, Father.  We are His Body, Bride Freed from the lips, life, disobedience of unbelievers, Held Standing up by Arm Power of God.  By the Will of God ALONE, we ARE WHAT We NOW Are. His.  Saints on our Way Home.  Reality after the temporary, earthly, DISSOLVES away in, with TIME.

Get STILL, do not move, and See WHAT God HAS DONE, IS DOING even NOW.

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