To fulfill the PROPHECY that THEY Children of flesh and blood will hear with difficulty, not Understanding, Void of My Spirit, they see WRITTEN for flesh but by human spirit of flesh they cannot Perceive, Receive by Spirit Understanding. The HUMBLE souls REBORN OF HUMBLENESS, My Spirit, PERCEIVE, BELIEVE AND Live not die with flesh and blood, temporary things.
The children lost in their OWN darkness' without Light, dead without Spirit, Life. The dead constantly causing their flesh and flesh of others TO fall unto darkness with NO Power to Raise and Keep them from falling back into the darkness, mind, mouth of darkness.
We the Body of Christ Hear and ASK to BE Turned from darkness UNTO Light. By Faith we BELIEVE. By Faith we ASK and Become. The Head and His Body ARE JOINED, ONE by Father His Spirit within. IF you CAN Receive, Understand, ASK and Sprit Will come in, ENTER Feed the Thoughts of God from Head INTO Body. Ask by Faith and Receive BY Faith without doubting.
At the Seaside they gathered around Him, Rock and SO MANY Gathered at the Sea SHORE, He had to get in a Boat and Stand to BE Seen by ALL Coming. He Spoke to ALL in Parables, Understood by those Called by Spirit. Preparing those Chosen to CROSSOVER Behind Him. MANY LONGED to See, to Hear WHAT NOW you See and Hear, BUT DO NOT, WILL NOT Understand the Way Prepared to Cross OVER. For the darkness within them, removes, mistranslates by spirit of flesh unto their own misunderstanding. Presence, Spirit, Truth IN THEM must Stand AS their OWN Spirit, Granted fo Reveal the lost in death and Reveal the Living Body of Christ on earth in times of darkness THEN Gone WITH Him Head, HOME. He ORDERED the people to sit down, seated to BE Fed by Him BREAD and Fish, Supper.
Truly IN the NEW World, My Body of Followers of Head, WILL BE Seated WITH Me. The FIRST TO ENTER Obedience and the LAST TO ENTER Obedience. Seated ONE Body UNDER ONE Head. The SPIRITUAL Government of God Reigning in and over His Children REBORN OF Seed, Water, and Obedient Flesh of Christ. Stop sitting at the feet of flesh and blood that profit from mammon. We ENTER IN Prepared, BEARING the Riches God His Truth and Receive the NEW Garment of Truth.
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