We the Children of God His Presence, Give their whole Soul of Soul, Mind of Mind, Spirit of Spirit UNTO God OUR Peace without fear of disobedience. We do not Give our Body TO the enemy, father of wars of flesh, pride and fear. God IS OUR Peace of Mind, the Spirit of Christ OUR Obedience to Father.
Let the many kingdoms of flesh of power and pride, them of darkness war against each other for THIS world. For We ARE the Body of Christ, His Souls of His Spirit, Presence Walking in the Thoughts of God our Peace and Love for ALL Created OF God. The Body of Christ, His Flesh of virgin flesh obedient to God His Will, THE Pattern Drawn FOR us His Flesh, BOWED TO the Mind, VERY Thoughts of God, Spirit IN we the Body of Obedience Christ Raised upon the Foundation of God, Truth.
Father a WRITTEN Plan for Worship IS NOT the Spirit, Power that Brings Christ INTO Existence within. What value the soul, heart and mind WITHOUT Presence of Spirit? Christ. Upon THIS Holy Ground, Foundation Built by Spirit and Rock We are adrift on the seas of chaos in time, LOST without the ANCHOR Eternal to Hold us IN Place.
The human spirit off unbelief, doubts and darkness TO BE Removed WITH Time, LOST, LOST is Babble-on, Cast far from God His Presence NEVER TO EXSIST beyond time of misunderstanding.
Lord Please OPEN the Eye of Understanding in the Body of Christ. Great is Your Brightness, See]in the darkest of darkness in time. BE STILL, His Body IS NOW HERE IN TIME, to Ask and Receive Cure, Remedy FOR POISONED minds and heart. Poisoned by the thoughts of darkness, Lord Raise Your Body UP FROM time of darkness UNTO Eternl Life of Light. Lord Quicken LIVING HEARTS, Fill them with the Joy of Your Presence. Be Still and Listen in time of darkness, Hear the Sound of AN Army of Spirit Raised up by Spirit to crush the enemy UNDER THE of Heel of Christ. Louder, Lourder, EVER Louder IN Number, Lead by the Word of God's Mind. ONE Step after another. The world trembles for the Power of Light that COMES TO Remove the minds, spirits, flesh of darkness IN TIME. We are the Body that Walks upon the Heels of Christ in us.
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