Thursday, April 25, 2024

IF you ARE the Body of Christ, THEN you ARE the descendants of Abraham the Believer.

 Children not by flesh but BY Spirit, Faith, Obedience to God.  The Jew by flesh MUST BECOME Spiritually Alive, the Flesh of Christ.  BOTH Gentile flesh and Jewish flesh, MUST BECOME ONE New Flesh, by Faith, the Power of God, that He Gives His Chosen to Receive His Substance, Holy Spirit to Rule in and over the Children of the House of God.  That BORN OF Spirit, Walking in Spirit, Crossing the finishing Line IN Spirit, Shall Receive the Garment of Spiritual Flesh, Christ to ENTER FOREVER the House of God.  As SPIRITUAL Likeness of Christ.  MANY souls of Obedience, Gathered into the ONE Body of Christ, UNLESS Christ cut off, cast away that not Obedient, away from Him.  ONLY the Mature depart the world, womb of darkness Alive.

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