Monday, April 29, 2024

Some Lessons Loved. Substance, Reality, Obedience, Brightness, Remedy, Mind.Breath.

 Father BRING DOWN THE WALLS AT THE Feet of the Body of Christ.  MARCH AROUND the walls of the earth, upon their own head of darkness.  IF the enemies of God HAD KNOWN their murder of Christ WOULD Raise the Kingdom of GOD UPON New Foundation, Eternal.  NEVER would they have TAKEN HOLD BY THEIR will the Body of Christ.

The SPIRITUAL IS Reality.  This world of TIME, but many dreams of the dead THAT REFUSE TO Wake up  AND Remain Awake to Watch.

The Conforming the inner BEING TO Spirit, IF Christ IS IN you THEN you DO BELONG TO Christ.  Spirit IS Life FOR You. EVEN though the OUTER flesh is going to die unto death.  The SOUL OBEDIENT by Faith in the POWER, WILL OF Presence is going to Receive the Body, Garment for Reality WITH IN GOD. 

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