People of religions want to give their religion MONEY. God desires we Give unto Him the Spirit of Obedience unto Him. WHAT does God need with earthly mammon that nations of flesh and blood, human spirit, desires. Gather in spirit of war, to take by flesh what has not been Given By Spirit, God.
THERE is A TIME, a place for war, BUT NOW IS the NOW for Peace with God THAT Light, Presence OUR PEACE WITH ALL. Let the children of darkness their power, give, SACRIFICE THEIR OWN flesh TO war. We Give our selves to God, souls Planted by the Hand, W ill of God into Christ, Living Soul of Light that NOW Reigns from within His Tribe of Holy Spirit. The Living souls, Gathered by FAITH into the House, Body NOW our Residence of Goodness. House of Bread.P
Finish the Plan, His Plan, each his Work Given him to do. Work BY Spirit, Given His Children. DO ALL Spirit TELLS you, WHEN your Obedience is Perfected by His Presence, Substance, THEN COME HOME WHEN your Work for Him has been Done. NOT EVEN one thought of darkness, disobedience can be found remaining in you His Body? Wake up from darkness, Christ His Presence, Sprit of Power, Provides ALL the Power of His Substance TO His Body, Bride. ALL Christ's Obedience is NOW Hers, the Daughter of God, BY Faith Behold the Riches of Heaven, EVERY Thought of God, NOW our very own Thought of Holy UNION.
Let the dust, kingdoms of THIS world KEPT captive to darkness, finish their self destruction. We DIED IN, WITH Christ BY Faith, the OBEDIENT Reborn Bride IS ON our Way Home, The Path that is THE very Thoughts OF God beneath our Feet.
The beast in your Way, remove one Bite of time upon another. The Brightness in His Body CAN BY Faith Remove THE darkness. ONE giant at a time. Stand IN Christ. USE the Rock of Truth Given you.
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