Friday, April 26, 2024

We are the Body, His Bones OF His Substance, Bones Covered with Holy Obedient Flesh.

 We are the Children, the LIVING Reb orn of His Substance from NONEXISTENCE UNTO Reality.  DO NOT be worried, concerned, afraid.  EVERYONE WILL know that You ARE My Children I Disciple IF you Love and Forgive as I DO.  You CANNOT God with Me NOW, but following NOW you will.  My Body Follows AFTER ME, Head, WHERE I AM Going NOW. The Body WILL BE FOUND with Head AFTER TIME, IN the NOW with Me.

John LOST nothing but a mind, head, thoughts of flesh, And Gained the Body of CHRIST.  The Student of Truth, MIST Receive Walk in the VERY Thoughts of God IN Christ our Head.  Passing the TEST OF TIME, being tempted by spirits and flesh of darkness, TO PASS THE Test of Obedience.  The PASSING by Obedience INTO as the Body of Life, Christ's Body into Reality that WAITS FOR us.  Hypocrites, sons of disobedience, weeds of TIME can not pass from THIS world, field of TIME.  Only the Heart, Field of Love, bearing the Fruits, Thoughts of Love ENTER TO Living the Life of Spirit.  NO human spirit of pride and bitterness shall ever enter the Dawn of PERPETUAL Reality.

Christ in us OUR PASSPORT, Life carries us Alive from the darkness of disobedience, unbelief, hate.  The Wind of Obedience, Separates us unto the Presence of God, from the seed, body of disobedience. Tears shed by disobedience, HAVE BECOME THE Tears of Joy.  The Labor OF Love Bringing NEW Life into the Kingdom of His Presence.   The children drawn to WRITTEN Truth MUST BECOME BY Love, Spirit, the Children, Body of the Spiritual Truth OF God. NO religious flesh void of Spirit Shall ENTER THE Kingdom of the Reborn, Spirit Obedient souls.

And what soul filled with darkness, controlled by bitterness of pride, would ever be allowed by darkness within them to ENTER THE Shining Forth of Light?  Amazing WHAT God HAS DONE, ALL we CANNOT, FOR us His Seed of His Wheat.

We ARE His Body He RaisED from death to Life. AS We Believe Him so We NOW ARE by Faith.


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