Monday, April 29, 2024

When Spirit Comes, WHEN Spirit ABIDES, Remains as Peace with God and Flesh.

 Where Spirit Remains, THERE is Obedience of Peace with God.  Love of God IS Obedience.  Obedience is Love of God and His Truth, His Thoughts, His Spirit.  God THE Detector of disobedient flesh, human spirit IN flesh of TIME.  HOW will the soul EVER Live in Happiness, Union of JOY, if the Presence, the Thoughts of God ARE not your thoughts of human spirit of air IN flesh and blood of darkness.

The Bride His Body Conformed to Spirit, Thoughts of Spirit, the Kingdom, Residence of Love.  God PUNISHES those evil souls in flesh BECAUSE God HAS MADE Known through TIME His Divine Nature, His Plan, the world reveals His INVISIBLE QUALITIES, His Power, Divne Nature seen by things MADE by God.  They know HAVING NO EXCUSE AT ALL for disobedience.  The deny, refuse to GIVE TO God the Obedience DUE Him AS God.   THE PROBLEM?  THEIR OWN thoughts, human minds, thoughts of darkness and flesh.  THEY WORSHIP THEIR OWN thoughts AS God.  Darkness OVERFLOWS their minds.  They love their own fallen flesh not God.

God HAS GIVEN people, flesh of darkness OVER TO be ruled by their darkness, thoughts, Godless desires.  The EXCHANGE of Truth for the thoughts of darkness.  Behold the children of deceit. That follow flesh not Spirit.  ROMANS ch 1.  THE FALLEN CONDITION OF flesh and blood.

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