Friday, April 26, 2024

Jesus Who TELLS His Disciples to not BE troubled, IS TROUBLED by?? John 13.

 DEEPLY troubled?   ONE OF you here NOW WITH Me, IS GOING TO BETRAY Me.

PUZZLED ABOUT WHAT Jesus Said?  The one who Loved Jesus MOVED CLOSER TO Jesus.

WHO Lord, Who WILL betray You?  The one Chosen that I Give bread DIPPED with sauce, and THEN He Gave it to Judas, who TOOK, Received the bread BY His Hand, dipped something else??  AS SOON AS Judas Received the bread, Satan ENVERED INTO him.  And Jesus Said to him with Satan's presence TO GO and DO what you MUST as servant of Satan.

NONE at the Servants at Christ's Table Understood WHAT Jesus Said to him in charge of money bag.  The lover of money can not also Love the Riches of God.  Selling the Body of Christ for money.  We AREA the Body of Christ.  The mind of prostitute. The Bride CANNOT BE bought.  Simon the magician by flesh thought he could BUY the Power that IS Spirit.

Jesus put to death, BURIED in a garden where the Grave for burial of His Body.  Joseph a SECRET follower of Jesus BECAUSE he feared the RELIGOUS AUTHORITIES, AND NICODEMUS went with him IN COVER OF DARKNESS, and ASKED fot the Body of Jesus.

My heart believes the Nicodemus that went IN FEAR, cover of darkness, the SAME Nicodemus in darkness COME TO Speak with Truth, TO Know Him.

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