Tuesday, April 30, 2024

BECOMING a House of Prayer, His Spirit within PERPETUALLY Giving Thoughts of God.

 QUENCH NOT, stop not the Flowing of Thoughts of God, Spirit.  A soul can not Thin Good and evil at the SAME TIME, MOMENT, NOW.  Think God, Spirit or think flesh, the thoughts, desires of Godless flesh.  This THE Life of Love Christ Poured out INTO Believers that Receive BY Spirit, Faith within.

The Perfect Love that IS God, Spirit, His Presence in Chosen Vessel.  We ARE NOW BY Faith souls Chosen to BE FILLED UNTO OVERFLOWING BY His Spirit.

Jesus HAS BECOME the Life of Perfection, Right Thoughts, TRUE Life OURS just by Believing, Asking IN Faith, Receive.  To Walk the world of darkness SHINING the Love, Presence, Power into the eyes of darkness.  Those who Understand by Spirit, Ask by Spirit and Receive by Spirit within them.  The Mystery of Love on earth, FAR BETTER than the mystery of lust of disobedience.  Lord Reach, Speak into darkness, the Light of Truth.  SHINE, in the Mist, BEHOLD the Rainbow OF Peace.  AFTER, AFTER war, Peace Comes for His Bride, His Kingdom on earth.  Gone flesh that wars, Resists the Coming of His Presence OVER the earth. BY Christ, IN Christ we Live beyond time of darh.

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