Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Pray ALWAYS, IN the Spirit OF OBEDIENCE. Obedience Receives FROM God.

 Christ At ALL Times, Thought Go d's Thoughts.  We ARE the Body OF Christ.  BEING Trained, Prepared for the Kingdom of PERPETUAL Obedience.  Put ON Christ Your Armor FROM GOD.  The VERY Thoughts OF God, your Sword of TRUTH for Removing ALL THAT IS not God.  The Bride IS His Body, His Obedient Flesh OF Obedient BONES.  THE MYSTERY OF Union with Christ, TRUTH. BECOME BY FAITH, ONE Inseparable Head and Body, United by the MiND, POWER OF God.

The LIVING Church of Reality, NOT a church OF hypocrisy, Pretense, lip service without Power to Live the LIFE OF Christ as His Body. ONCE in a church a woman leanes over saying she was not going to give tithe AS they with her turned to See me tithe.  I Looked at them who had invited me to visit with them this church, WHY would not reward their PERFORMANCE.  I had been slowly Waking up. Realizing God Reality no actor FOR hire for money.  They performed and I PAID my due them.  God Saves me from secret inner circles of fleshy churches.  ONCE God Speaks AN YOU HEAR Him it is IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP Listening.  He IS God. Your thought ARE flesh UNLESS God ENTER and TAKE POSSESSION OF His House, the Room RESTORED TO His Likeness, Reflection of He the Father, the Owner.  WHAT Pleases Him NOW Pleases me.

In the very NOW moment Chosen FOR me by God, I Awakened TO HIS Voice, Yes, Lore I Hear You.

God is always DOING WHAT HE Wants.

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