The HARD TIMES IN the pit, mouth of darkness. He Opened the mouth of lion and set me free. He Keeps me Freed by Faith in His Presence, Power TO CLOSE THE mouths of roaring lions of darkness. Walking as ONE WITH Truth, GOING Home WITH Him IN HIs BODY BY Faith. The HOLY Union of Faith. Substance with Substance, Spirit with Spirit. ONE Life Lived in REALITY BEYOND time of darkness.
Science shall discover, yet deny WHAT THEY find as true. Science shall glimpse but NOT WITH UNDERSTANDING What God HAS DONE, Reality. Revelation is for the REBORN ENABLED BY Spirit to GRASP. Flesh always understanding or misunderstanding according to mind of fallen flesh. Let the flesh fall by disobedience, the BODY OF Light shall Remain STANDing AFTER TIME.
FIERCE wolves of darknss ARE COMING. BUT DO NOT BE AFRAID. Christ Shepherd HAD LAID DOWN HIS Life FOR us AND IS WITH US. PIERCE THE hearts of darkness with the Blade OF Light. Human spirits, human thoughts ARE BUT HUMAN IMAGINATIONS. WHAT IS death to Children of Understanding WHETHER WE live in this realm or in Realm of Life, Christ IS WITH in us TO LIFT, CARRY US TO the OTHER SIDE of death. THis a DREAM OF DARKNESS in time, NOW. Wake UP. Where Head, Christ IS, Hid Body FOUND.
REALITY. God. The AUTHOR OF EVERY life Lived IN time. Father only of the Reborn of Eternal Spirit, Life of Faith in Jesus the Christ. Creator of flesh and blood, FATHER OF Christ the PERFECT SOUL OF Obedience, Spirit. Christ the only Soul that COULD SAY NO to disobedience, KEEP US ON THE CROSS for Removal of disobedience, blood of AIR to be BLED out, THEN BY Spirit, Breath of God His Presencce, RAISE us Alive unto Obediencce unto God.
There is no pledge of allegeance to any kingdom of earth, I Pledge my LIVING SOUL IN His Body, UNTO Father the MIND, VERY Thoughts of CHRIST. LET the kingdoms of flesh and blood fall to death that rules them, BUT LORD RAISE Your Kingdom of Christ upon the Foundation of God.
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