Friday, April 26, 2024

There IS a Secret Truth unknown to flesh and blood, human children, that Children MUST Know.

 The Secret that the children of flesh and blood LOST, but the Children of Body, Bride, WILL BE Saved. NONE ARE Permanent OUTSIDE Christ's Body.  The Savior WILL REMOVE ALL wickedness, disobedience from the Children of Zion, the children of Jacob. BECOMING ONE New Tribe of Obedience, Reborn Jew, NEW with Reborn Gentile, TWO BECOME ONE IN the Body of Man.  The Sacrifice of His Perfect Son to Save His LOST IN time of disobedience.  The HIDDEN Dormant Seed in Adam, BY Rain BECOMES A Harvest of LIVING SOULS UNTO God.

I Know.  I Know this is HARD for Godless flesh to receive, accept, bear.  NEVERTHE LESS IT IS True.  The Work of God IS DONE, Finished by Son, NOW ENTER AND Receive Reward of Faith and Obedience.  The Reality Prepared for the Body of Christ TO POSSESS IN UNION WITH Head, the Mind in Head.  OUR Father Planned, Worked, planted in Adam a DORMANT Seed of Life, that Restores all LOST IN Adam in time of flesh and blood, NOW BY Faith Rise and Walk, Life the Life of Christ GLORIFYING OUR Father, Eternity, Reality. PERPETUAL God.  IF you HAVE Believed, Awakened, QUICKED INTO ONENESS heart with Seed BY Rain.

QUICK.  I Hear the Coming Rain, BIND your garment TIGHT AND Run to Receive the Rain.  Where the Seed if hidden from flesh, the Rain SHALL Come and QUICKEN INTO Life of Christ.  ALL are fallen down.  The Seed and Spirit RAISE you UP, Lift TO the Light, and we BEAR the Thoughts of Life.  God Chooses, God DECIDES, HAS ALREADY Decided BEFORE we existed in the flesh of time, death.  Who Shall Rise, Run and ENTER Awake, Rejoicing, Glorifying Father Eternal.

Live the life Given you for you your flesh, desires, OR Live the Life of Christ as His Body, Life that NEVER dies of disobedience.

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