Monday, April 29, 2024

Faith THE NEW Way back from death in darkness. FOR Jew and Gentile AS ONE IN Christ.

 To ENTER Body of Christ BY Faith. AND ABIDE IN Faith BY the Will of God, Spirit.

The TIME of Trial, TEST, PATTERN OF Flesh FOR Garment.  The one who Comes IN Obedience, is the one who COMES IN UNION WITH God.  We ARE Transformed by God, Spirit, Divine Will, His Dominion of Presence within.

God DOES THIS.  Romans 3:22, HOW?  Through Your Faith IN JESUS CHRIST.  TRUTH IN Us His Body.  ALL THE WILL AND Power ARE God's ALONE.  AS the Body  of Christ we SHARE the Riches OF God, Spirit.  Who IS Free but the Beliver in Truth, Thoughts of God, Spirit.  Who a slave to a disobedient flesh BY UNBELIF?

GOD HAS SET A TIME Known ONLY TO HIM, a moment of ENOUGH disobedience.  He HAS SENT Messengers of Truth. Christ Stripped NAKED, BEATEN, REJECTED, MOCKED.  We ARE the Body of Christ, Chosen to SUFFER as His Body the rejection by darkness.  Christ GLORIFY Your OBEDIENCE UNTO Father.  The Bride ENBRACES the Head of Truth, Her Life of Bearing Christ, Holy Thoughts, Truth of God, into the world of death.  The Signal of Life, Light, Peace to those about to WAKE up in darkness of TIME.

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