Friday, April 26, 2024

only God SPIRITUAL Reality, Life Saves, what do we flesh know but self delusion, love of flesh.

 Stop looking around this GRAVE of dead, Lifeless DUST.  You My Body FIX Your Eyes on Head, KEEP IN UNION WITH Head, PREPARED, ALWAYS Following in His VERY Thoughts of Supreme Wisdom IN Him our Head.

Please Listen.  Please Believe. NOTHING we think, believe of flesh Saves.  LET the dead bury THEIR dead flesh, BUT MY Body WITH Eyes FIXED ON Me, IS NOW WITH Me.  The Feet of My Flesh Walk IN OBEDIENCE, until Lifted up BEHIND ME Their Head.

The darkness will NEVER STOP seeking a way, thought of doubt, unbelief TO RE-ENTER the flesh yet unbelief fallen bound in chains, thoughts earth bound.  Say NO to the darkness by Spirit, Presence IN you My Body, BREAK FREE NOW from mind, thoughts of TIME, Risse up IN Union UNBROKEN. The UNBREAKABLE Vessel of LIVING Water for the WHOLE House to Drink.  YES TO God is NO to death of disobedience. Forgive the enemies of Truth, He Forgave us our time dead in darkness.  We HAVE the Promised Life Lived by Christ on earth.  Wake up.  Believe, Rise and Walk Freed by Light of His Presence from the darkness in flesh and blood of disobedience.  The unbelievers swallowed up by self of darkness out of existence in time.

God GRANT you the Eyes TO See HOW God HAS AND IS Separating Adams body, flesh from darkness that ENTERD the door of flesh into heart.  The SAME evil spirit that OVERCAME Cain, and EVEN NOW has dominion in the human flesh of TIME.  We ARE the Body of Christ.  THE Door Closed to serpent, mouth OF TIME.  IN Christ, Ark?  His Body DECLARES the Truth, the Power, Love of God for His House, Body, Ears to Hear and See by Eyes of Head, DECLARES Almighty God TO those NEVER SATISFIED WITH WORLD, ONLY Satisfied BY Presence of God.  PEACE with God IS BETTER THAN pleasing human flesh of TIME.  Christ HAS DONE FOR us OUR Peace of Obedience.

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