Monday, April 1, 2024

We do not hide our sin, thoughts and actions of disobedience, NO, We Stand Naked.

 AND our Father Cleanses, Washes, Restores as REGORN Soul of Christ His Soul, Soul of God the Living God, Soul and Spirit.  God IS the Reward of REBORN Believers.  The Reward of His Presence OF Mind IN Christ the Head of We His Body.  We Live by Spirit not by AIR in human blood, temporary life in kingdom of death.   Hell IS BENEATH Feet of Body and Head.

Lord Enlarge the Body, that the REBORN Receive the Head and Live.   We ARE the Body WHERE Christ Rests His Head in PERPITUITY.   We His Body of Living SOULS, cells, rooms, Delight ourselves IN the Lord His Presence, our Preservation, Salvation, passing from time upward bound by His Hand.

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