Monday, April 1, 2024

The ONLY Fast Required by God is Obedience without disobedience.

 Crucify your self, soul with Christ, by Faith in Power of God, that NOW you a Reborn, Living Soul have a Room Prepared, Waiting for you IN the House, Body of Christ.  HOME of the Living souls REBOR OF God His Spirit.  The DECREASE of self, the INCREASE OF Truth.  The Removal of burden of disobedience from flesh BY Faith, TO ENTER with unholy yeast present.

Keep the Sabbath, Christ Perfect Obedience not one disobedience, speak of darkness.  If you THINK it IMPOSSIBLE, then you ARE DEAD not Alive.  Dead without Spirit of Understanding that IS Life.  The Sabbath EVERY DAY, NEVER ENDING Day now that TIME IS GONE?  Christ the Head Keeps the Hand of His Body from doing ANY evil.  There is a TIME SET for every soul TO Wake up and Serve God.  While TIME exists with darkness of NIGHT, Believe that you Rise with Christ, IN Christ His Body THAT Serves ONLY Father His Mind, Thoughts, Spirit.

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