Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Spirit the VERY Breath the Children of Kingdom LIVE, Walk in.

 There is none like the Body of Christ, the King of Heaven and earth beneath the Feet of His Body.  GONE ASTRAY FROM the Truth of Life, COME BACK TO Truth, Life of Love.  BOW NOW and REMAIN Bowed unto His Presence. Kissing His Feet.  Spirit of Reborn IS ONE WITH Spirit, Presence.  The Children OF Rebirth.  OUR Father, has Heard our Prayer, Seen our Tears, Christ our Head He IS Saving His Body FROM TIME,  WHERE His Head IS, THERE with Him His BODY OF BELIEVERS.

O BABYLON, of darkness, NOTHING Shall BE LEFT FOR you IN TIME.  Kiss His Feet, and the Lord Lift you TO Kiss you with the Lips, Breath of Truth.  THERE is no half-truth, no thought of darkness, of time, that CAN Save the dead from their darkness within.   Surrender to the Lord while there yet, still remains a TIME to.

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