Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Union with Head HAS Removed disobedience from His Body. John 20.

 Magdalene Came EARLY, Seeing the Presence of Christ, His Body.  She Seeing THE Stone Removed that hindered Seeing His Body.  She RAN AND Told Witnessed TO WHAT She Saw.  The Angels of Christ were Seen with the stone Rolled away.  The OBSTACLE Removed, she COULD See.

God Gives the Right, the Access, the Power TO His Children, Body following in Union with Head. The WRITTEN IS THE Invitation Received and Read by Spirit unto the Body of Christ.  Come all ye that DO Hear, out of the tomb, grave of darkness and Revealed as Alive.  Bless and Glorify Himn the Mind, IN Head, that Spirit that Raises His dead to Walk, Run and TELL the NEWS OF Truth to others that do not yet Know WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE Night of darkness.  He Head AND His Body IN UNION Raised by Spirit from THIS world WITH Him.  We the LAST Regeneration of His Flesh ARE COMPELLES TO Speak, TELL the Truth, Christ and His Body ARE GONE FROM the grave.

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