Monday, April 22, 2024

Let US be FOUND Understanding hard Truth, Embracing Truth Understood by His Body.

 The blind, deaf, dead souls of darkness WANDER , ignorant of Truth, the HARD Truth, in ignorance they PERVERT, misteach, the Truth of Spirit, their human spirit PERVERTING the Meaning of Truth.  The children of PRIDE, teach, speak THEIR OWN TOUGHTS, NOT God's, human thoughts, translations of flesh THAT PLEASE flesh and blood.  

DO NOT WANDER farther from Truth, than before wolves of the church of flesh and darkness dragging you captive to lips of misunderstanding.  Start?  Asking Him for Faith, the Spirit, Spirit of Christ, IS EVERYTHING, Thought necessary for Life.  BY Spirit of Christ, you NOW ARE the Body of Christ.  JUST BELIEVE, Faith without a DOUBT.

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