Monday, April 22, 2024

We by Faith IN Christ, are the Children having godliness, Christ our Remembering our Cleansing.

 The Washing of our souls with the Word, Soap and Water, Spirit of God.  We ARE His Body, CLENASED OF FORMER SINS, disobedience TO Truth OUR God and Father BY Faith Reborn.  We His Body He DIED, BLED OUT, TO Raise free of disobedient spirit, AIR in blood.  NEVER FORGET WHAT HAS BEEN DONE FOR you in His Body BY Faith.  Christ, Holy Ark to carry those who enter and CROSS OVER, OUT OF TIME into Eternal Presence of Life.

Do not be deceived, bought by earthly temporary things, and TRADE your Future, Christ. STOP looking at all the things of earth, AND FIX your Eyes BY Faith on Christ. Christ our Head, Eyes on Father.  IF the children of darkness believed the Written Word, THEN they WOULD Follow Living Word. Lord SEND Help, Send Spirit the Author to Your Children, that they Read WITH Him, by Him His Presence, ALL THE Treasure hidden from the flesh OF TIME.

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