Monday, April 22, 2024

the ANATOMY OF Christ, the NEW MAN made with old flesh of time.

 God the VERY Present Mind of Christ.  IN God, TRUTH.  Truth the VERY Thoughts, Mind, IN Christ the Head of We His Body.  The Resurrected Body hidden UNDER fallen flesh.  The Life hidden in us, the Wings of Spirit IN us unseen by the world of darkness, the flesh of darkness.  

Christ put on fallen, disobedient flesh and blood, on, conformed it UNTO Obedience BY Spirit,, BLED out the blood of disobedience, spirit of AIR in blood, temporary life, THEN Spirit, BREATH OF God, Divine Spirit RAISED the Sinless Head of Mind a Bory without disobedience, spirit of wickedness.  AND We ARE His Body, that Body of Resurrection.  BY Faith IN Spirit and His God Breathed Word, We His Body BY Faith in Truth, Walk the earth glorifying, honoring God our Father of Truth.   The Body of EVERY saint Generation OF God.  Stored IN Christ for NEW World Coming.

Servants of God THROUH the Spirit of Christ WITHIN. OUR Fatther IN Christ, IN us.  We ONE with Christ, and Truth ONE with, in His Body.  REMAIN IN Truth without one doubt of unbelief, OR PERISH, CEASE TO EXIST without Christ.  Behold the coming of sudden NONEXISTENCE, found in neither this world NOR the World AFTER.

SO?  BE DILIGENT, so that you ARE Found IN Him, nothing OUTSIDE Him to be cut off.  Found AT Peace with God, Truth IN Christ our Head.  The  ord IS our Salvation.  BE diligent to be FOUND Understanding of  a PURE Mind, PERPETUALLY Remembering the Truth.  Servants of Precious Grace and Peace.  We fight not with flesh and blood, we WARN those through Knowing His Presence, to NEVER STOP Listening Following in His Steps, Thoughts by His Spirit Power, to ABIDE IN the Presence of God.  WANDER NOT OFF back into the wilderness of unbelief.

OUR old life, temporary human life, a life of following own human thoughts, desires, IS NOW Gone IN TIME, Christ Feeds His Body, the VERY Thoughts of God, the Knowledge, the Power of God IN Christ NOW our Head.  The Body of Life, LIVES a Life of Worship IN God, by Christ.  


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