Wednesday, April 24, 2024

I am a Beliver, in the BRIDE, i BY Spirit could not leave Him even if I Tried. Mine you ARE.

 You ALWAYS WERE Mine, yes lost by darkness IN TIME.  But He Has Purchased, Paid my Debt to God our Father.  The Epiphany, THE Mighty Reality, the Life of Christ NOW mine by Faith Spirit, BREATH IN this Room RESTORED IN the House of God His Presence.  ANY thought of my flesh Spirit Saves, Separated me from deceit, thoughts of death.

The Life of Christ His Body, the Thinking, the Walking, the Obeying God.  I HAVE Received the Gift, the Promise, the Life, Spirit of Christ that CHAINS this soul in Chains, Thoughts of Love.

Do I BELIEVE His Promise?  I DO. I DO as He Truth Tells me to DO.  To disobey, doubt is to become DIVORCED from the Truth.  Disconnected from Life, Reality, God.  This is a God WORTH the Purchase by Faith.  Give up the old self to death and BE Raised Alive Walking, Thinking the Steps, Thoughts of His Mind.  NO fallen flesh of dust and air and spit of unholy mouth, HAS EVER Known THIS Life in separation from Truth, Reality, Substance.

It is not that I Confess Truth, IT is that by Presence of Spirit I NOW Live the SAME Thought by Power of SAME Spirit, Father.  What is it to me?  I Hear Him.  I Love Him, Love.  And in the Chains of Union with Love, I DO, Please Him, let fallen flesh be angered, let they lie in the pit mouth of darkness.  I HAVE TOLD the Truth Told Me, God Sends, God His Presence Raises up His Chosen dead FOR Life with Christ.  Lord I Pray, They Hearing, Rise and OBEY Spirit.  GLORIFY, Honor the Light COME TO Save from darkest hours of NIGHT.

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