A Spirit, a Breath, Presence, INK OF Power, the Blood of Obedience that Removed the life, blood of disobedience FROM His Body. STOP BENG ruled by thoughts, spirits not God's. NOW Set Free by Union with Mind and Head, do you so easily return to unbelief, darkness and death all over again?
You are SLAVES OF your fallen flesh, deceived by ordinary human spirit. Dead by unbelief in God's Promise. It is IMPOSSIBLE TO Say NO TO God's Spirit, Presence of Love. The human experience of pain in separation, that memory, KEEPS me UNDER the Wings of His Presence. BE GONE darkness, my Light IS COME, IS Saving me.
I WAS the slave of many ruling spirits OF the universe BEFORE Reaching SPIRIT-UAL Maturity, ONENESS WITH Christ. Spiritual Maturity for Eternal Union as the Body, Bride of Christ.
The Body BECOME Obedient Bride, that ALWYAS DOES AS Her Head Commands. UNTIL the OLD flesh is Removed from the Bride, UNTIL every speck thought of darkness forbidden entrance into the womb mind of Bride? FAITH. Christ my Head, His Thoughts, His Presence Keeps darkness cast out away from His Bride, REBORN to Receive ONLY His Thoughts, Seed of Love.
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