Wednesday, April 24, 2024

IF you BELONG TO CHRIST, THEN ARE you ARE Abraham Descendants, HEIRs of Grace.

 You Receive THE Promise by Faith, Believing the Written Thoughts, the Coming of Christ the Living Truth, EVERY Thought Come OF the Mind that IS God, Spirit.  GALATIONS.  THIS world of flesh and blood, breathers of AIR, IS UNDER THE power, spirit, ruler of flesh and blood in chains of  unbelief.  KEPT in bondage upon the earth.  God, Rock, Hammer of Truth, BREAKS the chains of time and Gives us the Wings of His Presence, Freedom of His Body in Union withe Head.

John beheaded?  They beheaded FLESH and blood of AIR, poisoned breath.  John was separated from flesh BY death, BUT Recognizing, Declaring Christ, Truth?  Life in Union with Truth, WHEN Truth Raised His Body, He Raised John and EVERY believer OF Obedience.

Christ Saw the Lifeless dead walking the earth IN TIME.  BUT He WAS Sent to Raise the seed in Adam's flesh from death TO Life AFTER death.  Christ the ONLY Door, Way, EXIT Door that Saves from a world set on fire by the mouth, flame and winds of TIME.   The show of darkness in time is about to dissolved with fire and AIR. Lord Flood Your House, Rooms with Living Water. Spirit Raise us as the Body Preserved by Living Waters.  A Flesh that Preserves from fire.

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