Friday, December 1, 2023

Whose ARE you, to whom do you REALLY belong? Do you REALLY want to Know? ISAIH 56. HOLY Spit, HOLY DNA.

 God HAS B His Salvation, His Righteousness IN Christ.  Blessed iS the Man, Head and Body, that TAKE HOLD OF the HOLY Sabbath Day. Life of Light.  The Sabbath of Obedience, Pleasing God, Spirit and not listening to and surrendering to the evil human spirit, fountain of LIES.  A tongue of darkness, spit of unrighteousness in the mouth of flesh. CONSTANT, PERPETUAL Presence of Spirit, in God's Chosen Temple, His Resting Place.  IN Christ our Head and we His Obedient Body CONFORMED TO the Word of POWER.  Christ and His Body SURRENDERED TO the Will of God.  Resting in God, His House of Love.

The Body Ruled by Christ, the FULLNESS OF Holy Thoughts.  We ARE Called TO Keep the Body of His Presence, FREE of POLLUTON, UNCLEAN thing of darkness.  The Lights of Light, the Light within us REMOVES the darkness of unbelief.

BECAUSE we DO BELONG TO Him, He MAKES us Clean, Keeps us by His Spirit, Power, Presence from being, doing evil.  DO NOT ALLOW the children, the DEAD souls IN flesh, lie, rob, steal from you the REALITY of BEING Christ's.  Christ THE SPIRITUAL Eunuch that Lives for, Serves ONLY God the Father of we the Living Bod, sy of Christ.

Dead souls think the evil thoughts, poison of darkness UNTO, into the pit.

Time TO Understand that those, His Children, Hear and DO what He Says.  Our Father we Serve and only Him will we listen to, obey.  ALL souls REBORN OF OBEDIENCCE, ARE His. Bear the Name of their Father.  ALL who OBEY Him are SERVANTS OF His Will, not HUMAN self-will, evil self will.

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