Wednesday, December 20, 2023

WHAT IS THIS tat God HAS DONE, IS DOING toTHIS soul? Imprint? Engraved Christ, Written by Spirit, Lazer of Light?

 God can not BE Received, Believed IN, but BY His Spirit ALONE.  The SURRENDER that Saves, sets free the soul.   I a SOUL that has Escaped from darkness by the indwelling of Light, Escaped TO WARN Others.   He COMES in the Morning hours of darkness, and FEEDS me the DAILY Truth I need.

The SPIRITUAL Children of Abraham's Faith, we ARE THE Body of Faith.  God's not by HUMAN spirit, HUMAN flesh, BUT OF Christ, His Spirit, His Flesh without disobedience, human spirit of AIR, we ARE the Body of Christ not by flesh but BY Spirit.

Christ my Lord, God, Guide, BY His Spirit, VERY BREATH of God this SOUL NOW Lives Christ.  The Body of Christ does not RESIST, REFUSE, DENY the Crucifixion of Body with Head.  What God HAS DONE.  The Living a Life of Obedience as the Body of Christ. Eternally NOW, His, FOREVER His. By His Kiss, Breath of Union, We Live, Know, Serve Him.  We serve no godless flesh, sons of darkness masquerading, pretending, deceiving.  We the Body of Life, SERVE our Head.

The Father SHALL Gather His LOST Sheep into the Body, Flock of Christ. Him we Listen to, Folllow, He the ONLY Way Home.

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