Sunday, December 3, 2023

To Walk NOW IN Christ and be Raised Part OF His Body.

 IF there was NO PAIN from disobedience, HOW WOULD the soul take hold, cling to Obedience that DWELL IN THE Body OF Faith.  We ARE His Obedient  Body, Head is NOW Raising from the generation of dead.  From dead to Generation of Life.  God's NEWS ALWAYS IS Truth, no sentence, thought of doubt. Father Him Self Teaches, Tells us HOW TO Walk without falling.  He is ALWAYS near, will not ALLOW a pit, a mouth of darkness to drag us back into darkness.

My parents, flesh lived and died in their portion of time.  It is EASIER TO Walk alone Leaning, Relying of God and not be tempted to listen to, lean on flesh and blood,  THIS SOUL cannot sleep in darkness with NO Light on.  The PRESENCE, THE Power, the Rest in, upon His INVISIBLE Presence.  In Union of Spirit, WE KNOW WHAT He IS Thinking WHEN He Thinks, Speaks to US. THIS SOUL BOUND IN RAPTURE REFUSES to be in darkness, with thoughts of darkness.

The things OF THIS world interest me no more.  SAME old SAME Old.  NOTHING NEW under the temporary light of earth.  ONLY God PERPETUALLY Eternal REMAINS.

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