HOW LONG will the children of flesh and AIR, temporary air, life, live not for God Creator, His Will for His Glory and STOP LIVING FOR flesh and darkness the human life, human way of BEING. The flesh of woMAN become the home, residence of Evil. The flesh Created by God for His Glory, Love, that NOW serves vanity and shames Him.
God IS Humbleness and is AGAINST pride, disobedience IN flesh. Come to Him Obedience on your knees, ye that LOVE Obedience shall be Saved from disobedience, death.
The Redemption of LOST time, lost in darkness, serving darkness, RESTORED to the Reborn.
The REBORN, INVEST their allotted time left TO God His Presence. NOW and through door of death that OPENS the Door of Life unto His Children COME HOME. The Body a UNION OF OBEDIENT SOULS.
There is a PARTIAL OBEDIENCE offered in delusion by flesh. God our Father DEMANDS Christ and NOTHING BUT His Spirit and Seed within Children REBORN OF Truth, Living Word. BE FOUND Worthy to Receive the Immortal Flesh of Perfection. The Spirit of God the SPIRITUAL Detector that keeps out that which is REBORN of the Spirit of OBEDIENT Flesh.
You can not deceive God and enter any other way THAN Christ His Way.
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