Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Who cries out perpetually like the Reborn of Spirit, for the Milk of Heaven, BONES TO Stand and not fall?

 The NEW INFANT Held in the Arms of God, Calmed by His NOW Presence.  Those SOULS OF His Substance Born FOR Freedom from disobedience, UNTO Obedience to God, the Spirit, Father, MIND in Christ our Head.  A LIVING Truth flowing Freely from Soul to Soul  Spirit to Spirit.

The Mystery, the PUZZLE, Riddle can not be Known without Spirit of Revelation.   God Reveals Him Self to His Children. SOULS Reborn of the Mind of God, Children of Bride-Groom.  Bride and Groom United by Father AS ONE. The SUCCESS, VICTORY OF Planned Parenthood.  Father and His Truth, ONE and the Son and Bride ONE United by Father.  ALL the souls REBORN into the Family by Spirit.

Called into EXISTENCE, Reality, to Serve God NOW in His Kingdom.  God a Kingdom of Spirit removing the OLD human spirit of kingdom of darkness, RESTORING His Will as God.

With Christ the Sword, Tongue, WORD of God we SLAY the dragon dead within flesh, mind, heart, soul.

The dragon ceases to EXIST IN THE FULLNESS, Presence of Light.

The lion of darkness roars, the serpent poisons, IN this dream of NIGHT outside Reality.  Wake up its time to sit at His Table of Thought, Rise and Serve Him.  The Son IS RISEN unto Eternal Day. Stop listening to your own thoughts in coma, Believe and therefore Live Christ NOW. NOW. NOW.

WHEN He Comes, He IS the Reward.  Eternal Riches.

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