Blood ties and bondage. Boud by blood must become united BY Spirit. The spirit of AIR, temporary breath, the life of darkness, temporary blindness, deaf, must t by Faith BECOME BY Faith Renewed, Changed into Spirit, VERY Breath of God, Breathed in Life Everlasting Life.
The temporary flesh that lives by temporary breaths of AIR wears the many masks of deceit. PRETENSE. Spirit is not as flesh, able to be deceived. It can be hidden from people what, whose we ARE, but God can't be deceived. He Knows what lies beneath the surface of skin. The darkness that lurks, seeking a moment to swallow and hold under, keep separated from Life, Breath, God.
God Lives, Gives Life, Breath, to the BLESSED SOUL, His Substance and the Living Serve their Father. Answer Him. 3:48 A.M. God NEVER sleeps, NEVER tires. Always Ready TO TALK.,
Deceit and the damage he does. Pretense. God IS the O NLY free Will existing. His Spirit IS Freedom that IS CALLING Her Children, His Children HOME. HUMAN will is will of darkness that destroys, Divine Will Saves His Children. The Spirit comes from God to bring back souls slaves by union of darkness and AIR in decaying flesh. WHY pain, suffering allowed unto flesh, IS TO TURN the SOUL in flesh BACK TO God, Peace and Love.
The DEAD soul, asleep in darkness, Hears, Awakens and can not fall back asleep. God, Spirit, Power of Love, turns, draws, brings the LOST in darkness BACK TO Him. God IS NOT the past nor the future. God IS NOW. Ever-Present Consciousness of God. NOW and PERPETUAL Now Awake by the Presence of Light, by Voice Calling, time to COME HOME.
No one but Christ, Spirit and Truth, God Lives THIS Way in His Children. He Thinks, Speaks, and We Hear, Rise and Serve Him. NOW? NOW. BE STILL and Listen, Watch. The flesh does as flesh desires, thinks. Body, Flesh of Christ IS NOW Raised to Serve God and no other. The bloodless Flesh of Christ is READY, ONCE this soul is FULLY dead to darkness, the voice, spirit of temptation in this dying of dying flesh. BY Faith I AM Reborn, by Faith I am Freed, by Spirit of Faith I BELIEVE I am Crucified dead to darkness and darkness to me. The darkness is a stranger, not my Friend. Passing the TEST OF time, SUDDENLY I Remember and will NEVER FORGET Him, the BEGINNING of everything. The Power of the GREAT Physician to Raise His dead, separate from death. NOW I Serve Life, Eternal, not temporary time, darkness.
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