Friday, December 15, 2023

My Father His Spirit, His Will FOR me, Establishes my SOUL in Body, Christ His Feet WITH the Light.

 To KEEP, Safe the SOUL from ALL other thoughts NOT His Truth from taking SOUL captive again led away FROM God.  ONCE surrendered, Resting in the Power of His Presence, I A,M Saved.  Obedience, the Spirit of Christ Obedience IN His Body, IS Mine a Reborn SOUL OF His Body.

To God His Word GOES to Him ALL Thanks His.  The Declaration of Truth, His Presence the Power, the Will, the God of Love RECEIVES ALL.  The Presence of LOVE in my SOUL, He the Source of surrender to Love,  Him, AND OTHERS.  Serving the Body of Christ.

The feet of the body of flesh, her feet go DOWN into NONE EXISTENCE in Reality.  The Presence of Truth, Love OF Truth, THAT Keeps the SOUL IN Union of ONENESS with God

Can flesh take fire of darkness into the heart, house, soul and not BE BURNED INTO NONE EXISTENCE?   NOTHING can Satisfy the REBORN HUGRY SOUL but the Presence of Spirit Source of Truth, SOUL Food.  REBORN of the Spirit of Truth, Fed by the Spirit, the Milk of Heaven.  There is a time to crawl, sit at His Feet and BE LIFTED, HELS UP, TAUGHT HOW TO Walk, Holding His Hand, Leaning, depending on God, Love.

The Voice of Truth Calls forth from messenger TO children of flesh, WHEN will you lean upon Spirit for Understanding and not flesh and blood of the DEAD that do not Know Life.  BE a Heart OF Umderstaing.  THE Spirit in the Body of Christ, our Understanding our NATIVE Tongue, Thoughts of God.  Spirit Speaks to REBORN OF Spirit, GIVES God'S Thoughts to us BY Christ His Spirit.     

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